3. Sight line analysis: no issues were noted with the sight line review for the proposed Howard/Holburn intersection; however, no review has been provided for new intersections proposed as part of the development. The proposed alignment for the Holburn Street extension right-of-way creates the potential for sight line concerns at the following intersections; the revised TIS should provide recommendations for protection of sight lines (e.g. zones where pedestal-mounted utilities, community mailboxes, driveways, etc. should not be provided, or zones where on-street parking should be prohibited):

  1. Holburn Street at Street 'A'/Street 'D'
  2. Holburn Street at Street "C'/Street 'D'
  3. Holburn Street at Maguire Street
addressed No sight line review for these proposed intersections has been provided. We recommend that approval of engineering drawings for the subdivision not be granted until sight line protection zones at these intersections have been identified and incorporated into the design. included the Public Works recommendation for 4.6m x 4.6m (15'x15') corner cut- offs, at the intersection of Streets A, B, C, and D with Holburn Street. (Recommendation I (D) e. These corner cut offs will be implemented in the Final Plan of Subdivision.
5. Holburn Street road classification: Transportation Planning does not concur with the rationale for the TIS's recommended classification of the Holburn Street extension as a local road. Our recommendation continues to be that the Holburn Street extension should have the same classification as the rest of Holburn Street (i.e. Class II Collector).

Issue remains outstanding. Transportation Planning does not concur with the rationale - including the expanded discussion in the revised report - for the recommended classification of the Holburn Street extension as a local road.

Our recommendation continues to be that the Holburn Street extension should have the same classification as the rest of Holburn Street (i.e. Class II Collector).

The Planning Department Recommends that the new section of Holburn be classified a Class II collector with a 22m Right of way. (Recommendation I (D) (b) 2 This Right of Way Width and Road Classification is consistent with the Right of Way width and road classification of the existing section of Holburn Street.