DATE: December 10, 2020

TO: Development and Heritage Standing Committee

FROM: Jim Abbs, Planner III - Subdivisions 

RE: Additional Information —Agenda Items:
      7.5           Draft Plan of Subdivision Application 3638-3738 Howard Avenue SDN-001/20 [SDN/6094)- Imperial Developments Inc., 2601817 Ontario Ltd., J. Rauti Developments Inc. - Ward 9 


To provide additional information regarding the above-noted Draft Plan of Subdivision.


As part of a complete development application for a Draft Plan of Subdivision the applicant provided a number of background studies, including a Transportation Impact Study (TIS). Transportation Planning review revealed that the study submitted required additional clarification. The applicant then provided that clarification for Transportation Planning Review.


Subsequent to the preparation of Report 176/2020 for the December 14, 2020 Development and Heritage Standing Committee Meeting, Transportation Planning provided comments related to the revised TIS supplied by the applicant. Those comments are included in Appendix 1 of this Memo.

The comments from Transportation Planning indicate that many of their concerns have been addressed(Items1, 2, 4, 7, and 8). The remaining Items3, 5 and 6 are addressed below.

Issue  Transportation Planning Comment  Planning Response