/bt 1:00 p.m., Monday December 14, 2020 Development & Heritage Standing Committee Meeting


Item 7.4

Zoning By-law Amendment Application for 1004 Pearson Avenue located at the southeast corner of Pearson and Beverly Glen; Applicant: 1027458 Ontario Inc. File No. Z-028/20 [ZNG/6187]; Ward 7

  1. Sebastian Lopes, area resident submitting the attached email dated December 10, 2020, as additional information.
  2. Gillian Ackermann, area resident submitting the attached email dated December 10, 2020, as additional information.
  3. Bonnie Winchar, area resident submitting the attached email dated December 11, 2020, as additional information.

Item 7.5

Draft Plan of Subdivision Application 3638-3738 Howard Avenue SDN-001/20 [SDN/6094]- Imperial Developments Inc., 2601817 Ontario Ltd., J. Rauti Developments Inc. - Ward 9

  1. Canadian Pacific Railway Company submitting the attached email dated November 30, 2020 as additional information.
  2. Administration submitting attached additional information memo dated December 10, 2020.

Item 7.6

Zoning By-law Amendment to permit a Multiple Dwelling Development - 3129 Lauzon Road ZNG-026/20 [ZNG/6173]2516053 Ontario Inc., - Ward 7

  1. Jordan Qu, area resident submitting the attached email dated December 7, 2020 as additional information.
  2. Nancy Tomko, area resident submitting the attached letter received December 9, 2020 as additional information.
  3. Veronica Symonds, area resident submitting the attached letters dated December 4 and November 30, 2020 as additional information.
  4. Jacqueline and Daniel Proulx, area residents submitting the attached letter, photos and petition as additional information.
  5. Brenda Gagnier, representing many area residents submitting the attached letter received December 11, 2020 as additional information.
  6. Randy and Pam Churchill, area residents submitting the attached email dated December 11, 2020 as additional information.
  7. Tom Porter, Solicitor representing Randy and Pam Churchill submitting the attached letter dated December 11, 2020.