Comment on May 2020 Report Status
3. Warrant Analyses: No warrant analyses were provided in the report. Based on the total traffic volumes presented in Figure 7(total traffic 2025), a southbound left-turn lane will be warranted at the proposed Howard Avenue/ HolburnStreet intersection. The following warrant analyses should be provided (based on traffic forecasts that take into account comment #1, above):
  1. Traffic signal warrant analysis (as per OTM Book12)
  2. Left turn lane warrant analysis (as per the MTO Geometric Design Manual)
Comment addressed.The revised report recommends a southbound left-turn lane on Howard Avenue at Holburn Avenue. This off-site improvement should be provided at the owner’s expense.
4. Sightline analysis: no issues were noted with the sightline review for the proposed Howard/Holburnintersection; however, no review has been provided for new intersections proposed as part of the development. The proposed alignment for the HolburnStreet extension right-of-way creates the potential for sightline concerns at the following intersections; the revised TIS should provide recommendations for protection of sightlines (e.g. zones where pedestal-mounted utilities, community mailboxes, driveways, etc. should not be provided, or zones where on-street parking should be prohibited):
  1. Holburn Streetat Street ‘A’/Street ‘D’
  2. HolburnStreetat Street ‘C’/Street ‘D’
  3. Holburn Street at Maguire Street

Commentnotaddressed. No sight line review for these proposed intersections has been provided.

We recommend that approval of engineering drawings for the subdivision not be granted until sightline protection zones at these intersections have been identified and incorporated into the design.

5. Holburn/Maguire Intersection: the TIS does not address the Holburn/Maguire intersection. The report should be revised to identify a recommended intersection control with the Holburn extension in place (e.g. two-way or all-way stop control). Comment addressed.