Comment on May 2020 Report  Status 
6. Holburn Street road classification: Transportation Planning does not concur with the rationale for the TIS’s recommended classification of the Holburn Street extension as a local road. Our recommendation continues to be that the Holburn Street extension should have the same classification as the rest of Holburn Street(i.e. Class I! Collector).

The issue remains outstanding. Transportation Planning does not concur with the rationale—including the expanded discussion in the revised report—for the recommended classification of the Holburn Street extension as a local road.

Our recommendation continues to be that the Holburn Street extension should have the same classification as the rest of Holburn Street (i.e. Class II Collector). 

7. Site Accesses on Holburn Street: Transportation Planning does not concur with the rationale given for the recommendation to allow 9 lots to be accessed from Holburn Street.  Issue remains outstanding. Transportation Planning does not concur with the rationale —including the expanded discussion in the revised report — for the recommendation to allow 9 lots to be accessed from Holburn Street. 
8. Off-site Improvements: as per comment #2, a southbound left turn lane at the Howard/Holburn intersection will be required to accommodate the development; the required storage length will depend on the results of the additional analysis recommended by comments #1 and #2. 
  1. A left turn lane on Howard Avenue has also been identified for the adjacent development to the south. Depending on the proposed dimensions of this left turn lane, it may be advantageous to serve both developments with a single two-way left turn lane. Further discussion of this option with Engineering and the two development owners is recommended.
Comment addressed.