Attachment 2 — Excerpt Report $176/2020 -Recommendation

I   THAT the application of Imperial Developments Inc., 2601817 Ontario Ltd., J. Rauti Developments Inc. for Draft Plan of Subdivision approval of Part of Block A, Registered Plan 1259, City of Windsor; BE APPROVED on the following basis:

  1. That this approval applies to the draft plan of subdivision, as shown on the attached Drawing SDN001/20-1, which will facilitate the construction of 86 single detached dwellings, a block for an Active Transportation Corridor, and a block for a storm water management facility.

  2. That the Draft Plan Approval shall lapse on (3 years from the date of approval).

  3. That the Owners Shall submit for approval of the City Planner, a final draft M-Plan, which shall include the names of all road allowances within the plan, as approved by the Corporation.

  4. That the Owners undertakes to provide the following matters prior to the registration of the final Plan of Subdivision:

    1. The Owners will include all items as set out in the results of circularization and other relevant matters set out in CR 233/98 (Standard Subdivision Agreement).

    2. The Owners will create, prior to the issuance of a building permit, the following rights-of-way, in accordance with the approved Plan of Subdivision:

      1. 22 m right-of-way for the extension of Holburn Street from the existing terminus of Holburn Street to Howard Avenue;

      2. 20m right of way for the new Streets "A", "B", "C", and "D"

    3. The Owners and City agree to cost share the construction of the Holburn Street extension, from the current stub westerly to Howard Avenue. The City agrees to contribute construction costs associated with upgrading the road from a local to collector road subject to approval by the Corporation's City Council, based on a public tender process satisfactory to the City Engineer.

    4. The Owners will convey a 0.3m reserve blocks along the north limit of Blocks 1, and 21, and along the south limit of 40, 54, 55, 70, 71 and 86 to the satisfaction of the City Planner.

    5. The Owners will provide the following corner cut-offs on the approved Final Plan of Subdivision: 

4.6mx4.6m — Intersection of Holburn Street and Howard Avenue;

Intersection of Street A and Holburn Street;
Intersection of Street B and Holburn Street;
Intersection of Street C and Holburn Street;
Intersections of Street D and Holburn Street.