December 14, 2020 Development & Heritage Standing Committee Additional Information – Item 11.3

From: Hank Stam

Sent: Friday, December 11, 2020 6:29 AM

To: clerks < >

Subject: Alley closure between Liberty and Beals street

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File SAA2020

Below is a response from Ted Hopkins

“I, Henry Stam, 3450 church street concur with Mr. Hopkins submission.”

Henry Stam

“We strongly object to the Appendix 'C' comments from the Public Works -Engineering Department that "there are no sewers, manholes or catchbasins located in the alley .... This alley appears to serve no useful purpose by CR146/2005."

We oppose this application proceeding until the extent, purpose and condition of this municipal drain has been determined as promised by the Engineering Department.“

At 12:15pm Friday December 10, we received notice of a meeting scheduled for Monday December 14, 2020. As with the original hearing date, we object to this extremely late notice of hearing.

As we have previously pointed out, or main objection to this application proceeding is because of the existence of a drain located within that alley despite the assurance in the Background section that "there are no sewers, manholes or catchbasins in the propose alley closure." In response to this issue being raised before the original hearing date, the Engineering Department was advised of our concerns about this existing drain. We and other neighbours have pointed out that since the construction of the applicant's home, this drain has stopped functioning and several back yards now flood during heavy rains. A representative of the Engineering Department was sent to our address to verify that a drain does exist. He indicated that until the extent and proper functioning of the drain can be determined, this alley closing application would not proceed...and yet, here we are with the application back on the committee's agenda for Monday.

We strongly object to the Appendix 'C' comments from the Public Works -Engineering Department that "there are no sewers, manholes or catchbasins located in the alley .... This alley appears to serve no useful purpose by CR146/2005."

We oppose this application proceeding until the extent, purpose and condition of this municipal drain has been determined as promised by the Engineering Department.

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