-Little River is a protected ERCA watershed. Has ERCA been made aware of the proposed changes?

-while on the subject of Little River- has anyone considered the additional polluting of the river that will inevitably take place? The parcel of land included in the proposed zoning changes backs onto to Little River, as does my property. From my property as of the date, I am writing this notice I can see: a couch, a tire, a shopping cart, cans, bottles and plastic bags. Just from my backyard. Where does the litter come from and how does it get there? PEOPLE

-has there been any consideration regarding increased crime threats.

-the final point that must be made to convey that we are vehemently against this proposal is NATURE. Why does nature always have to lose when, not just our city but any city rezones or considers development?

-my property sits on one acre of land, half of which has been left natural so we refer to the back half of our property as “the woods”. Our area on Lauzon is one of the last truly natural areas in our city. Please do not allow this proposed change. Please do not ruin our neighborhood.

- many of our properties back onto Little River, which is a “highway” that animals use

- as I write this appeal there is a group of eight turkey foraging through my yard. We have on a regular basis; deer and coyotes visiting our property. There is a plethora of wildlife where we live. At least fifty different species of birds pass through our yard each year

-we have eagles, owls, and a pair of red - tailed hawks, which have nested and laid eggs in our woods for the past several years

I wish I could present in person for you the beauty and the passion that I have for my property at 3095 Lauzon Rd. I know there are technological ways to do so however I am not a “techy”. However, if I were I would have a photo session for you that I believe would have you doing double takes.

-we often times have no idea of the beauty that we have in our own backyards.

-if the proposed change is approved, the wildlife will disappear and for good -such a large development would destroy the natural beauty and aesthetics of our neighborhood and that beauty will be gone forever

-just because there is an open parcel of land, such as the one in question, does not mean that it should be filled to the bursting point creating and causing more congestion and threaten the wildlife we have

- we must protect what we have