-the only other route to the parcel of land is directly down Lauzon Rd which is already extremely busy and abused as a speedway for persons accessing their homes on Lauzon or in Forest Glade

-while on the note of increased traffic this committee must keep in mind there is an elementary school across the street from this parcel of land. Keeping our children safe and secure is of utmost importance. The increased number of persons, vehicles and traffic will no doubt make this task far more difficult than it already is

-you need to keep in mind the existing traffic of school buses, and parents that drop off and pick up their children on a daily basis during the school year , which is ten months of the year. How many times has the school board had to send out notices about procedures and protocols for the drop off and pick up of our children? I do not envy their jobs

-two properties down from this parcel of land is a childcare center also tasked with keeping our children safe and secure. Another high volume traffic spot on Lauzon Rd. While it is possible that increased homes in the neighborhood, could result in a positive effect on the daycare center, as more parents in the area means more children and therefore more utilization of the center, one would have to keep in mind more people, more traffic, increased possibilities for accidents. Does the one positive outweigh the entire negative?

-the parcel of land in question is located approximately thirty meters from an existing traffic light located at Lauzon and Forest Glade Drive. How do you move or regulate an area comprised of ninety-six units so close to an intersection that already requires a traffic light? Put up another traffic light?

-also, the likelihood of increased pedestrian foot traffic must be considered. How will you keep pedestrians safe with all of the increased vehicular traffic? These challenges require great attention and in-depth planning when proposing such a large development of a small parcel of land. The need to protect people must be priority number one.

- increased traffic leads to increased litter that ends up on our lawns on a daily basis -yes even today people throw litter out of their vehicles onto our lawns. We realize this is not unique to Lauzon Rd however; increased residents on the road will increase litter. More so, if these residences are not privately owned; there will be less care of property if the residents have no stake or are not fully invested in where they live.

-has there been any consideration for the potential for storm/sewage water issues -has there been any tests on any of these systems?

- every time we have a heavy rain there is standing water on my property and the properties on either side of me. These are properties on the same side of the road as the proposed changes. It is evident the storm/sewer system cannot handle what is there now. What affect will all of the proposed additional structures have on our current systems ?