As residents on Lauzon Rd, we enjoy the consistency that the current zoning has afforded us.

We wish to continue to enjoy our properties and our neighborhood. The site in question is in our neighborhood, it is right next door or right across the street to many of us; rezoning the parcel as proposed is not only inconsistent with the existing zoning regulations it would be disgraceful and reprehensible.

I realize this committee and our City Council needs to consider the financial benefit that such a project would bring, along with future revenue in terms of tax dollars. However, you also must consider other needs of our community and our neighborhood.

The City of Windsor has demonstrated, by sheer numbers alone, that parks and nature trails are of outmost importance. The City has numerous parks and trails and our City has spent a great deal of revenue building and maintaining these very important areas.

By denying this rezoning request, you will in essence be preserving nature. You will allow the natural beauty; wildlife and character of our neighborhood to continue to thrive and be enjoyed not by just the residents but by the people that pass through and visit, our neighborhood and it will not cost the City a penny. Please protect what we have.

Please know that to allow such a huge 'out of place ' new construction in this area is going against many citizens valid concerns of the negative impacts. We are looking to you for help in preventing it.

Please send a message to the owner(s) of the property that the City of Windsor cares about more that just tax dollars. The city cares about its citizens rights to enjoy their property; the City cares about their citizens safety and the City cares about our wildlife.

I know many who will not be able to attend meeting or write letters and emails share these opinions.

We urge you to decline a zoning change for this property.

Thank you for your time and consideration.