-why does our entire neighborhood have to loose significant value of our homes for the profit of one individual?

- multifamily housing will greatly affect the aesthetics of the neighborhood-on Lauzon Rd. From Forest Glade Dr to Lilac-there are no two houses alike yet the report put out by the developer dares to compare our properties with those of Meadowbrook. Meadowbrook is synonymous with the word “cookie cutter”. It is ludicrous to compare the two, let alone say the two are alike.

-the dimensions of the proposed units namely the height would have these buildings looking very much out of place with the rest of the neighborhood. New development is supposed to improve or beautify a neighborhood/area. Regardless of their facade, these buildings would spoil and blemish our neighborhood.

- reasonable use and enjoyment of our property would no doubt be greatly affected, not to mention the privacy that we currently enjoy. How many people will be five stories higher than my property looking into my backyard?

-the proposed ninety-six units translates to how many people, which further translates to how many vehicles? The answer to this question could potentially and most likely be hundreds of people and vehicles.

- increased traffic-has there been a traffic study? Please keep in mind the potential number of increased persons and vehicles, which will affect the stability of the area

-additional traffic equals additional pollution and noise, which will impact our enjoyment of our property

-the same streets as the surrounding residential parcels serve the site in question -there is no room for new roads to be built

-has there been any consultation with the Windsor Police Department or the Windsor Fire Department regarding the number of traffic accidents that they respond to at the corner of Lauzon and Forest Glade Dr and or Lauzon Parkway and Forest Glade. These are the major routes to access Lauzon Rd. If the rezoning is approved, there will be more people, more vehicles, leading to more accidents thus creating a much greater need and use of our already taxed emergency services for one area of our city. This point on its own should be enough to deny this proposal.

-I cannot tell you how many times I hear the sickening sounds of vehicles crashing at both of the above-mentioned corners. I do not have to be outside to hear it...I can hear the collisions while inside my home. I will hear that sound a lot more if this proposal is approved. I do not want to hear this sound anymore that I already do