To: Development & Heritage Standing Committee

From: Nancy Tomko, resident on Lauzon Rd

Re: File ZNG/6173 Z-026/20 3129 Lauzon Rd

Members of the Standing Committee : thank you for the opportunity to be heard regarding the above matter. I want to convey to you for the purpose of clarification that I do represent several residents on Lauzon Rd in regards to this appeal but you will throughout this appeal see me using both “we” and “I” because I do have a very long history as a resident on Lauzon and some of the information shared is personal.

Lauzon Rd has significantly changed from when my parents first moved my family there back in the mid 1960’s. There were few homes on the then gravel streets, lined with ditches and mailboxes at the end of the driveways, which were knocked down at least once a year due to wintery conditions. I have resided on Lauzon for many years and when I talk about my property with coworkers or persons that I have just met; their first comment usually is “you must live in the county .” Imagine their surprise when I proudly say, “ no... I live in the City of Windsor”.

I have great passion for this city and my property, which is why I am asking you to reject the proposed zoning change on this parcel not because I am anti-growth but because I believe it is important that any zoning changes should meet the needs of current and future residents and reflect important community values.

As a neighbor to this property, property owner, and citizen and voter in the City of Windsor, we urge you to decline a zoning change for this property.

While we are not opposed to development of this parcel with like or similar houses with the neighborhood in mind, we are against this proposed rezoning at this time for the following reasons:

- multifamily dwellings are inconsistent with our neighborhood

-there are major concerns about the effect of multifamily housing on property values

-without doubt, property values fluctuate. Let there be no doubt that if these proposed changes are approved all of our single-family dwelling homes will depreciate just by the very presence of these multi-dwelling structures.

- a person’s home is their largest financial investment. Many people count on the value of their home as a secure investment in their future. Perhaps the investment is for their children, for travel or their retirement savings plan. If these structures are built, we will lose a great deal of our homes value.