ZNG-026/20 (ZNG/6173)

issues backing out of our driveways on this 50 km/hr roadway – the speed restrictions are rarely respected and it shouldn’t come as a surprise if mo st cars drive at speeds over 60 km/hr.

Sewage capacity

In the Standing Committee`s December 14 th ,2020 agenda it questions the sewage capacity of the proposed development. This proposed site (3129 Lauzon Road) once housed a single detached house (previous owner – H. Langlois). How can the current hookup for a single detached house be of an adequate capacity for the current municipal sanitary and storm sewer network? 96 units does not necessarily translate into 96 residents. There may be a couple residents per unit plus overnight guests which should take into account the daily water usage (toilets, dishwashers, showers) of a development of this size. What would be the long term impact on the immediate vicinity and the Forest Glade subdivision if there is not adequate capacity?

In ERCA’s Octo ber 2 nd , 2020 letter to the City`s Senior Planner Mr. Jim Abbs they are stating that the outcome of the Little River Floodplain Study is incomplete and that ‘it is not possible to access whether the proposed development has an adverse impact on the floodpl ain…’. Why wasn’t this study completed prior to the request for re-zoning? It would appear that the cart has been put before the horse.

Flooding Issues

Back in 2016 and 2017 the City was hard hit by flash floods which impacted well over 6500 homeowners (see flooding map below). One of the most affected area was Ward 7 and its Forest Glade subdivision. Over the years the City and its tax payers has spent millions of dollars on flood mitigation projects and basement flooding protection subsidies only to name a few. During the most recent floods several homes with basements on Lauzon Road and in Forest Glade were severely flooded. The proposed development is abutting the Little River and is within a flood plain. As for our property at 3130 Lauzon Road, we do not have a basement, we only have a crawl space but our backyard was greatly impacted. In fact, several of our backyards 3140, 3130, 3120 Lauzon Road were flooded and as I draft this letter are still flooded.