ZNG-026/20 (ZNG/6173)

December 12 th , 2020

Development & Heritage Standing Committee Council Services Department
350 City Hall Square West, Room 530
Windsor, ON.
N9A 6S1

Dear Development & Heritage Standing Committee members,

We understand the importance of the City’s Offici al Plan (OP) and the Provincial Policy Statement Plan (PPS) and how it relates to the development of housing which in turn help to foster healthy and vibrant communities. As time progresses and the population increases it is normal to expect that empty lots would be developed.

My husband and I (Daniel Proulx & Jacqueline Roy-Proulx) own the property at 3130 Lauzon Road which is located directly across the proposed development and re-zoning request for 3129 Lauzon Road. We are writing to express our concerns and objections over the four multi-unit complexes (20 meters in height, 3 stories ‘ proposed ’ , 96 units, 120 parking spaces).

Although we understand the need for housing we are opposing this re-zoning and development request as we feel that it is to the detriment of the residents of Lauzon Road, the Forest Glade subdivision, the infrastructure, the environment and lastly our most vulnerable and precious assets our children.

Architectual incompatibity – Lauzon Road

In this developer’s Planning Justification Report (PJR) he states that “the proposed development is complimentary with the neighbouring residential uses and is similar in scale ” to exiting developments. Yet it would appear that his definition of neighbouring residences/residential area is a little broad. As you are aware, directly to the south (3151 Lauzon Road), to the north (3113 Lauzon Road) and to the east (3140 and 3130 Lauzon Road) there are one-story single detached homes. These multi-unit dwellings would be placed right in the middle of single detached homes and in the process ostracize the home owner at 3151 Lauzon Road. These four 65 feet tall buildings will dwarf the surrounding residences and are NOT similar in scale to the neighbouring properties.


As you are already aware Lauzon Road is one of the three roads leading into the Forest Glade subdivision. Lauzon Road connects into this populace and compact residential subdivision of approximately 19 000 residents by way of Forest Glade Drive and Lilac Lane. Both Lauzon Road and Forest Glade Drive are classified as Class I Collector roads which translates to 650 vehicles per hour per lane. Furthermore the intersection of these two Class I Collector roads is located approximately 1.5 kilometers east of Lauzon Parkway an extremely busy and accident prone Parkway. We already have