In addition to playgrounds there are many other park amenities such as sports courts, fitness equipment, soccer, baseball, volleyball, ultimate Frisbee and cricket to name a few that have been identified in the Recreation Master Plan that was adopted by Council on December 16, 2019 as being important to the community. The Recreation Master Plan makes reference to emerging trends and provides details and recommendations for such amenities based on public feedback ranking them as a high, medium and low priority. Please see Appendix E for the full list of recommendations regarding recreational facilities and amenities based on current trends that were identified in the Recreation Master Plan. It should be noted that the plan was adopted pre-COVID-19 and the recommendations found within may need to be revisited due to the impacts of COVID-19.

Risk Analysis:

Regular review and scheduled inspections of the entire playground system, a third party audit every 5 years, and routine maintenance will ens ure the City’s playgrounds are in good condition and comply with current standards in order to help mitigate any potential risks to the corporation.

Proactive planning and routine maintenance activities will enable staff to identify upcoming replacements and the risk of any potential service deficiencies.