The third party audits, regular inspections and removal of any non-compliant playgrounds are measures that have been and will continue to be taken in order to mitigate ongoing risks of injury to patrons and liability. The continuation of these measures is important to ensuring effective risk management moving forward.

Climate Change Risks:


Climate Change Mitigation: N/A

Climate Change Adaptation: N/A

Financial Matters:

As noted in the table above it will cost approximately $8.0M based on 2020 pricing, to replace the next 30 playground units currently being monitored. As a result of the Asset Management Levy being put in place in 2020, there is currently sufficient funding identified in the 2020 8 year capital budget from 2021 to 2025 to replace these units as it becomes necessary to do so. This allows Administration to proactively plan for these units in such a fashion as to minimize the time required between removal and replacement so that the community does not have an extended and unexpected period of time without them.

The spending to date within the playground capital replacement program PFO-002-15 has amounted to $7.3M which represents all of the approved capital funding received from Council.

Based on the City’s Asset Managment Plan and the 2020 Capital Budget the projected funding available for playgorund replacements is as follows:

The City’s 2020 Capital budget forecaset for playground replacement is outlined below:

Year Funding
2021 Total Funding $1,826,011Funding Precommited to date $1,500,000Remaining Funding $326,011
2022 $1,977,448
2023 $1,343,875