Bridgeview     X 2024 $326,306 $670,708
Walker Homesite     X 2025 $326,306 $670,708
Lakeshore Woods     X 2020 $326,306 $670,708
Leafield Park X     Removed $173,757 $449,517
McDonald North     X 2027 $326,306 $670,708
Bellewood   X   2020 $261,550 $605,952
          $2,263,631 $4,950,205

This assumes that funding identified in the 5 year capital plan remains and is approved by Council in order to fund these replacements. Of this list the following are scheduled to be replaced in 2016: Mitchell, Stodgell, Brideview, Walker Homesite, Lakeshore Woods. The balance will be replaced as funding is approved in subsequent years.

The table below identifies the remaining playground units which have already been removed from service and currently have no identified funding to replace them.

The capital budget was completed prior to this assessment. Upon reviewing the capital budget submissions, Park’s administration recommends that following changes be made to the Equipment Removal PFO-017-12 request of $150,000 in 2016. First that $45,000 is allocated to perform a 2017 annual playground audit. Second that $58,000 is allocated to playground replacement. Administration is also expecting to have approximately $290,000 in surplus funding in the current Equipment Removal project, #7129009. The remaining surplus in this project along with the $58,000 would allow for the replacement of Esdras and Avon as both of these are smaller units.

If the recommended use of Equipment Removal funding is approved, it would leave 10 units unfunded which have already been removed. The estimated cost to replace them would be $2,416,391. The Park’s department is only able to replace on average 6 to 7 play ground units in any given year, due to the amount of work and consultation required. As such it will likely take approximately 2 years to replace all of these units, and would start in 2017. The funding required to address these units would be approximately $1.2M in 2017 and in 2018 and is not currently contemplated in the 2016 5 year capital budget. Should Council wish to fund the replacement of these units in 2017 and 2018 this project should be considered a corporate priority and funds will need to be reallocated from other projects currently identified in the 5 year capital budget plan.