recommended to be replaced based on redundancy or proximity to other units in the system while still meeting the requirements of our Official Plan. Option B would bring the total number of playgrounds down to 125 units. Neither of these options consider the addition of new playgrounds into our inventory over the next 20 years should new parks be built.
There is an estimated cost savings of $5,369,352 in capital by consolidating playgrounds in the City. As noted in the body of the report the number of playground units increased substantially over years. Conversely operational funding to maintain them did not increase to levels which were required to properly maintain and inspect them. Therefore reducing the number of playgrounds in the system is not expected to provide any initial operational savings but rather provide the ability to proactively inspect and maintain our playgrounds according to current standards. For these reasons Option B is being recommended.
Funding Requirements for Option B
Despite the capital cost savings expected by consolidating playground units, there is still a funding challenge. Currently the Capital Budget does not have funding to replace all the identified units.
The table below shows which units will be replaced, and have identified funding. Walker Homesite and Lakeshore Woods are identified to be funded from the $2M enhanced budget for accessible playgrounds. Stodgell received funding in the 2015 capital budget. It is being recommended that funding originally approved for Ambassador in 2015 be redeployed to replace Bridgeview, as Ambassador is one of the playgrounds slated not to be replaced in that same Ward. Mitchell, McDonald North and Leafield are identified in the 2016, 5 year capital budget for funding in 2016, 2020 and 2019 respectively.