(c) compatible with the surrounding area in terms of scale, massing, height, siting, orientation, setbacks, parking and amenity areas .”

The Site Plan, and floor plans drawings (See Appendix ‘B’) are consistent with the intent of both the Official Plan (Sections 11.11 and and the Demolition Control By-law 9198, but when comparing the elevation drawings to the adjacent one (1) storey single-family residential dwelling units the development may appear massive in terms of height and scale. However, when considering the multiple-unit residential high-rise apartment buildings to the north it appears that this block along the west side of McDougall Street from Erie Street East to Giles Boulevard East has been in transition for a number of years.

Risk Analysis:

The Building Division has not received nor conducted a review of the building plans to confirm compliance with the Ontario Building Code and applicable law (e.g. zoning by- law). The review will take into consideration the plan’s compliance with the Zoning By -Law provisions and other relevant legislation.

Should the applicant fail to construct the proposed development identified in Appendix ‘B’ within two (2) years following the commencement of the demolition, the Clerk shall be entitled to enter on the collectors roll the maximum sum of Twenty Thousand Dollars ($20,000.00) for each dwelling unit that existed prior to obtaining a Building Permit for Demolition. In addition the City Solicitor will register a notice of this in the land registry office, against the property.

Climate Change Risks

The demolition of the existing one (1) unit single detached dwelling to construct a semi-detached dwelling (includes two (2) primary units) with a total of four (4) ADUs will have a low impact on how the project affects climate change, because improvements are contained to the existing property where modern building methods will be utilized.

Climate Change Mitigation:

The demolition of the existing one (1) unit single detached dwelling for the construction of the new residential units identified in the Redevelopment Plan contributes to the revitalization of an existing neighbourhood which will provide additional residents that will support the existing Erie Street Business Improvement Area (BIA) because of its close proximity to the Main Street. The proposed development will utilize modern building methods which will conform to the Ontario Building Code concerning safety and energy efficiency.

Utilizing the existing property and infrastructure and proposing a higher density development in an existing built-up area of the City is a better use of the land that also promotes efficiency on the existing infrastructure network by not promoting development on greenfield land.

Climate Change Adaptation:

As temperatures increase and when considering the Urban Heat Island effect for the City of Windsor the property appears to be located near a Heat Vulnerability area. The