proposed development will utilize more of the existing property than the existing building and could increase the heat island effect in the immediate vicinity of 1155-1157 McDougall Street. However, the proposed redevelopment will utilize modern building methods which will conform to the Ontario Building Code concerning energy efficiency and reduce the need to clear land of vegetation for residential development on vacant or greenfield land.

Financial Matters:

The combined current value assessment of the property located at 1155-1157 McDougall Street is $108,000 based on 2020 Current Property Value Assessment (CVA). The owners currently pays total annual taxes of $1,917.73 (based upon the 2020 residential tax rate and CVA) of which $1,752.49 is retained by the municipality. The applicant’s Estimated Post -Project Value of Land and Buildings based on the cost of construction is $750,000. However, some of the proposed costs of construction provided by the owners may not result in a direct increase in assessment value, but it is expected that taxes should increase and generate additional taxes that will be paid to the City in the future. For illustrative purposes however, using the current 2020 residential tax rates, total property taxes for the new development would be $13,317.59, an increase of $11,399.86. The municipal share would be $12,170.09, an increase of $10,417.60.


The owner has been consulted regarding an exemption form Demolition Control By-law 9198 and the requirement of a Redevelopment Plan. Enrique Silveyra, Customer Service Representative has been consulted regarding the Building Permit for Demolition. We have also consulted with Josie Gualtieri, Financial Planning Administrator, and Janice Guthrie, Deputy Treasurer Taxation & Financial Planning from the Office of the City Treasurer regarding financial matters; and, Wira Vendrasco, the Deputy City Solicitor from the Legal & Real-Estate & Risk Management Department in regards to the requirements of the Demolition Control By-law.


The demolition of the existing residential dwelling unit located at 1155-1157 McDougall Street will provide sufficient lot area to allow the applicant to construct a semi-detached dwelling (includes two (2) primary units) with a total of four (4) ADUs to facilitate the redevelopment of the property with associated parking, thereby meeting the intent of Demolition Control By-law 9198 by creating new additional residential units. The new residential units will also provide an opportunity to attract new residents to the neighbourhood and improve the appearance of the area. The demolition application meets all of the eligibility criteria as outlined in the Discussion section of this report and is compatible with the City’s Official Plan, and Section 33 of the Planning Act . Administration recommends that the demolition application request by the Applicant (Anthony Villegas), on behalf of the owner (Glenda Villegas) of 1155-1157 McDougall Street be approved.

Planning Act Matters: N/A