In my professional opinion, the proposed development efficiently uses the existing residential lands and municipal infrastructure to provide for needed residential apartment units.

2. are appropriate for, and efficiently use, the infrastructure and public service facilities which are planned or available, and avoid the need for their unjustified and/or uneconomical expansion;


In my professional opinion, the proposed development efficiently uses the existing municipal infrastructure to provide for needed residential apartment units without unnecessary and uneconomical expansion of services.

3. minimize negative impacts to air quality and climate change, and promote energy efficiency;


Parking relief has been requested to permit 1 space per unit to discourage the use of the car and support municipal transit, bike and walking initiatives. The location of the development and the design features of the site supports and promotes energy efficiencies.

4. support active transportation;


The development is located on a bus route, surrounded by sidewalks, fronts on a major arterial road with bike lanes within the area. Bike racks will be provided on site to support the biking community. The development has extensive commercial amenities within walking distance. Parking relief has been requested to permit 1 space per unit to discourage the use of the car and support municipal transit.

The location of the development and the design features of the site support the healthy, walkable, biking community and active transportation initiatives of the province and the municipality.