f) improving accessibility for persons with disabilities and older persons by identifying, preventing, and removing land use barriers which restrict their full participation in society;


The OPA and ZBA will permit the development of the site for an alternative residential rental apartment units. As rental units, the apartment rental units will be more financially viable and accessible to the intended tenants. Physical accessibility issues will be established in compliance with the OBC for all the residential units.

g) ensuring that necessary infrastructure, electricity generation facilities and transmission and distribution systems, and public service facilities are or will be available to meet current and projected needs; and


The proposed development will be an infilling development to be located on lands previously used for residential purposes. Municipal infrastructure is existing to the lands and available at the lot for the proposed development.

h) promoting development and land use patterns that conserve biodiversity and consider the impacts of a changing climate.”


The proposed development provides for a higher density, wise use of the existing residential lands. The lands are located on a municipal bus route and located on a major arterial road that supports biking, walking and use of municipal transportation.

“Section Land use patterns within settlement areas shall be based on:

a) densities and a mix of land uses which: 

1. efficiently use land and resources;