Greg Sheldon
235 Oak St.,
Windsor, ON
N9A 5E5
(519) 819-3832 

Nov 8th, 2020 


Development & Heritage Standing Committee,
City of Windsor.

re: Amendment to zoning by-law 8600
     File number ZNG/6070 Z-009/20
     1200 University Ave. 

Scheduled Meeting; Nov. 16th, 2020 at 4:30pm

To Whom It May Concern,

I would like to provide a written submission regarding zoning amendments proposed by AIPL Canada Holdings Inc, regarding their development at 1200 University Ave. West, Windsor. In particular, the requested reduction in required parking spaces.

l am a resident of oak Street, as well as a small landlord of another duplex on the same block, both properties on the block immediately off the river, parallel to the proposed development.

Parking in the neighborhood has become extremely limited in recent years. so much so that we have neighbors pushing to have the City impose permit parking as it is. The same block of Elm St. (between Oak St. and said development) this past couple of years has seen at least 5 single-family houses redeveloped into student boarding houses with as many as 9 (nine!) bedrooms each. Many of these houses now require parking for 3+ vehicles, far beyond what the driveways or street was designed for.

Development in the area is desperately needed and I do support “Graffiti's” plans in principle, but we are also about to develop the former Grace site. If we reduce parking at 1200 University. how can we not be expected to allow the same at Grace a block away? What about the proposed CBC builds a block away? it is already common for our block's residents without driveways to be forced to either park illegally or on another block as it is, if these easements are allowed I'm afraid the situation will soon become unbearable.

Thank you for your consideration.


Greg Sheldon