Jeff Nadalin

4334 Sixth Concession Road

Windsor, ON

N9G 2S1

November 13, 2020

The City of Windsor

Development & Heritage Standing Committee Meeting

Date: November 16, 2020 at 4:30 pm

RE : Zoning By-law Amendment Application for 1090 North Talbot Rd. and 0 Pioneer, N/E CNR of North Talbot Rd & Sixth Concession Rd and N/W CNR of Pioneer Ave. & North Talbot Rd

File Number ZNG/6074 Z- 011/20

Written Submissions of Jeff Nadalin, home owner at 4334 Sixth Concession Road, Windsor, ON

Dear Committee,

I am writing to you in regards to the aforementioned proposed amendment and that it be denied. As a resident for over eight years, I was aware of the zoning and eventual building of a single level commercial plaza. However, the new proposal seeks much more than that, and with great costs at the residents’ expense. I hope that the following will explain my position better and with the hopes that the committee takes the right course of action for our neighbourhood.

I am particularly concerned with the applicant’s proposed changes to add the following uses and regulations on the subject lands to include an entertainment lounge. The side plan should not allow for uses outside of a neighbourhood. What does an entertainment lounge entail? I am requesting uses that do not operate into the late hours such as bars or restaurants.

The proposed request for an increase in maximum height to 16 meters will block any view one may enjoy from their home. It will literally be a concrete wall surrounding all residents nearby. It will not fit into the current architecture of our neighbourhood where buildings no more than two stories in height are visible. This will surely be an eye sore.