November 13, 2020

The Windsor City Council
The Windsor City Clerk’s Office
The City Zoning Department

Re: File number ZNG/6074 Z-011/20 (Proposed zoning change at 1090 North Talbot Road (N/E CNR of North Talbot and Sixth Concession)

Dear All:

We are writing this letter to express our strong opposition to the proposed zoning change at 1090 North Talbot road (N/E CNR of North Talbot and Sixth Concession). While we are not opposed to the development of this parcel, we are against its proposed rezoning for the following reasons:

  1. The proposed 4-storey property which will be situated directly in front of our property across the street will totally block our daily dose of sunshine.

  2. High volume of traffic especially during peak hours, with the proposed 108 parking spaces and 4-storey condominium complex which may accommodate at least 50 house holds, traffic in our area will be so much worse. We may not be able to get out of our driveway sooner than we used to. Also, please keep in mind that a lot of people are no longer courteous when it comes to traffic!

  3. Noise pollution. We already get loud noises from the current volume of traffic, increasing it will make it even worse.

  4. Maintenance and up-keep of roads

  5. Increasing the volume of houses holds in our area increases the use wastewater and sewer line. Hence, existing infrastructure may be overwhelmed and any upgrade to accommodate increase capacity means additional cost in taxpayer’s pocket.

  6. We are also concerned about the affect of multifamily housing on property values. The property values in the entire neighborhood will decline as it gradually changes from a single-family area into a multifamily

  7. Potentially unsafe: increase in vehicles on the road and population means increase law breakers and car crashes.

The current zoning should remain as is as, and not modified to accommodate special interest groups. Rezoning would forever alter the characteristic of this area to the negative, especially the lives of the residence affected by this change.

We moved out of the city core to stay away from noise and traffic. Please help our neighborhood safe and quiet!

Thank you very much for your time and consideration.

Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Gorospe
4385 Sixth Concession Rd.
Windsor, Ontario