The development parcels should not also exceed its ability of parking spaces. I request the denial of the he proposed amendment of a decrease in minimum parking spaces required of 108 spaces. Our road, Sixth Concession, and all roads nearby are already busy as is. In fact, we have put up “Slow Down” signs numerous times over the years. Every day, when my children need to cross the road to get on the school bus results in traffic wait times exceeding 10 minutes, not to mention the dangers associated with drivers that simply refuse to slow down in a residential area. Add to this additional parking, a condominium building as well a commercial activity is just a recipe for disaster, not to mention, the current capability of the roads does not permit such uses – the infrastructure to support this endeavor is not there.

I also do not agree to the separation distance as it can be altered after the fact. I am very concerned with the parking setback reduction request. As shown in the applicant’s drawings we wish to maintain a 20” buffer with trees et al.

The pollution that will arise from the proposed changes is another concern. As mentioned, we are already suffering from high volume traffic and to add to that light pollution and waste will result in such poor living conditions that we may as well pack up and go. However, who will want to purchase our homes then? Not only will we be hard pressed to find a buyer, but need to be willing to sell at a highly discounted rate of our home if we were to find one.

I sincerely hope you take my points into consideration, I also urge you to follow our Facebook page, Keep Our Community Safe and Quiet,, where numerous residents have used it as an outlet to share information and protest against the proposal. Our home is our sanctuary and we will all like to keep it that way. Life is already busy at it is and our backyards and front yards should not add to it.

Finally, I respectfully request to be formally notified of council’s decision on this application in accordance with the planning act.


Jeff Nadalin