November 16, 2020
Development & Heritage Standing Committee
Item 7.5
Additional Information

From: Kelly Rose Penner

Sent: Thursday, November 12, 2020 10:26 PM

Subject: File Number: ZNG/6074 Z-011/20 Opposing Amendment to Zoning By Law 8600

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Good evening,

This week we (my husband and I) received a letter in the mail regarding an upcoming public meeting to discuss an amendment to the zoning of By Law 8600. We are unable to attend however We DO NOT support this change to the land, and we are very concerned about the proposed plan. Our neighbourhood is very busy and recently has become a concern without adding a commercial property close by. Cars speeding down our streets with little regard for caution. Kids play in their driveways and front yards while cars fly down our street (Silverdale). I was actually going to contact the city about our concern, and then we receive this letter regarding making the land not even 1 minute from our street commercial. We do not want this to happen as we have enough concerns without making it an even busier area. We love walking around our neighbourhood and over to Southwood lakes which is peaceful with the walking trail and lakes. Its nice being away from chaos of busy stores that are 10 minutes away from us. We do not want the busyness of a commercial lot in our neighbourhood.

I'm not sure if we need to sign anything or if you would like to speak to me by phone. Many of our neighbours have expressed concern and we are in agreement hence reaching out today.

Thank you for your time we really appreciate it, and we are here if you need to speak with us regarding this situation.

Kind Regards,

Kelly and Aron Penner