Item 7.6 Development Application - 1680 Tecumseh Rd W. 1378, 1366 and 0 Campbell Avenue OPA 134 [OPA 6125] Z 015/20 [ZNG6124] To permit a Multiple Dwelling Development-Ward 2 (S 152/2020)

  1. Jim Abbs, Senior Planner (powerpoint)
  2. Jackie Lassaline, Planner and Robert DiMaio, architect (powerpoint)
  3. Rashid Muhammad, area resident 

Administrative Items

11.3    Close and Convey a Portion of the North/South Alley Between Crawford Avenue and Oak Street, From Montrose Street to Tecumseh Boulevard West and the East/West Alley Between 1370 Oak Street and 1380 Oak Street - SAA/4133 - Applicants: Richard & Adrienne Chene - Ward 3 (S 141/2020)

  1. Rick Chene, applicant
  2. Larry Lamont, representing mother Joan Lamont, property owner

Item 11.4   Close and Convey the North/South Alley East of Marentette Ave Abutting the West Side of 840 Wyandotte St E, From Wyandotte St E to Brant St - SAA/6060 - Applicant: Seiko Homes - Ward 4 (S 148/2020)

  1. Hessan Habib, Seiko Homes

Item 11.6    Close and Convey the North/South Alley Between Marentette Avenue and Elsmere Avenue, South of Lens Avenue and North of Vimy Avenue - SAA/6075 - Applicant: Brenda Morris - Ward 4 (S 138/2020)

  1. Brenda Morris, applicant