a) Jackie Lassaline, Planner submitting the attached report as additional information.

Item 11.1

Close and Convey the North/South Alley Between Blackburn Court and Huron Church Road - Ward 2 - Applicant: E. Selaya - 3769 Blackburn Court - SAA/5612 (S 9/2020)

  1. Ken Khahra, agent for the owner submitting the attached email as additional information.


Planning Act Matters

Item 7.1 Zoning By-law Amendment - 333 McEwan Avenue - Philip Robins - Z 019-20 [ZNG-6162] - Ward 2 (S 126/2020)

  1. George Robinson, Planner III (powerpoint)

  2. Tracey Pillon-Abbs, Principal Planner representing applicant

  3. Phil Robbins, applicant

Rezoning - AIPL Canada Holdings Inc. - 1200 -1220 University Avenue West - Z-009/20 [ZNG/6070] - Ward 3 (S 91/2020)

  1. Greg Atkinson, Senior Planner (powerpoint)
  2. Dan Amicone & Vas Papdiamantopoulos, Architects
  3. Josh Hurley-Burns, and Karl Tanner, Dillon Consulting
  4. Al Conle
  5. Aimee Allen
  6. Suzanne Cayen
  7. Betty Penny
  8. Greg Allen
  9. Mike Greenwood

Item 7.4 Official Plan and Zoning By-Law Amendment; 1223-1233 University Ave W OPA 137 (OPA 6170) and Z-024/20 (ZNG/6169), Ward 3 (S 153/2020)

  1. Simona Simion, Planner II (powerpoint)
  2. Jackie Lassaline, Planner and Zeshan Choudhry, Agent (powerpoint)

Item 7.5    Zoning By-law Amendment Application for 1090 North Talbot Rd and 0 Pioneer, N/E CNR of North Talbot Rd & Sixth Concession Rd and N/W CNR of Pioneer Ave. & North Talbot Rd; Applicant: Tosin Bello; File No. Z-011/20, ZNG/6074; Ward 1 (S 150/2020)

  1. Justina Nwaesei, Senior Planner (powerpoint)
  2. Chintan Virani, architect and Tosin Bello, owner
  3. Melanie Muir, Dillon Consulting