November 16, 2020
Development & Heritage Standing Committee Meeting Item 7.5
Additional Information

From: Yvonne Peltier 
Sent: Monday, November 09, 2020 9:49 PM 
To: clerks<>; Mckenzie, Kieran<>; Francis, Fred<>
Subject: RE: File Number ZNG/6074 Z-011/20

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RE: File Number ZNG/6074 Z-011/20

November 09 / 2020

City Clerk’s Office

Attention: Standing Committee

We are in receipt of public notice of public meeting File Number ZNG/6074 Z-011/20. Our neighborhood is all residential with new homes being built at this time on Pioneer St in the $700,000 range.

The proposed building would back on to all of our backyards with only a wooden fence between the properties. There has been an issue with drainage from subject property on to the backyards of adjoining properties that has still not been addressed. This issue was raised to the City of Windsor March 31 2020 and still not rectified. Also the amount of traffic on both North Talbot and Sixth Concession Rd is very substantial to say the least and would not be able to handle the additional activity (proposed 108 parking spots on the property in question). Plus lots of traffic from south wood lakes and all of the industry of Oldcastle. I have cameras at both the front and rear of my property that clearly show this issue. I have also contacted the City of Windsor as well as Windsor Police about this matter and again, nothing has been done to try to rectify this issue.

This is a neighborhood that has young children and elderly people that already have a hard time because of traffic trying to cross the street. The extra noise, the pollution from the minimum 108 parking spaces requested as well as potential rats from the proposed establishment. .This is a peaceful family neighborhood and we will do what we have to in order to keep it this way. In view of our neighborhood concerns we feel this project is not a good fit in our area.

Please reconsider this application and enormous problems it poses to our neighborhood and deny the application. Please deny the application. \

Yvonne Peltier