Section Residential
“Residential development shall be located where: (a) there is access to a collector or arterial road; (b) full municipal physical services can be provided; (c) adequate community services and open spaces are available or are planned; and (d) public transportation service can be provided.”
The existing structure is located on Tecumseh Rd, a major arterial road. The property will maintain frontage on Tecumseh Road, however, all vehicular access will be from Campbell Avenue;
Full municipal services are presently available to the property for water, sewer and storm;
There are a number of community services, institutional and commercial uses within walking, biking or bus transit proximity; and
Municipal public transportation is available to the property on the Central 3 bus; bike trails along Tecumseh.
Section Planning Rationale Report
Where a Planning Rationale Report is required, such a study should:
Include a description of the proposal and the approvals required;
Describe the site‟s previous development approval history;
Describe major physical features or attributes of the site including current land uses(s) and surrounding land uses, built form and contextual considerations;
Describe whether the proposal is consistent with the provincial policy statements issued under the Planning Act;
Describe the way in which relevant Official Plan policies will be addressed, including both general policies and site-specific land use designations and policies;
Describe whether the proposal addresses the Community Strategic Plan;
Describe the suitability of the site and indicate reasons why the proposal is appropriate for this site and will function well to meet the needs of the intended future users;