“ Section Residential

“To promote compact transportation system.”

neighbourhoods which encourage a balanced


In my professional opinion, the proposed development will support and promote a compact neighbourhood while providing for an appropriate intensification of the development. As an alternative housing style, the proposed development has been designed to support municipal transit, walking and biking as a balanced transportation system.

Section Residential

“To promote selective residential redevelopment, infill and intensification initiatives.”


The proposed development, in my professional opinion, will result in a residential redevelopment of an existing residential property. The subject lands are located adjacent to historically existing single, detached residential subdivision while adjacent to the commercial corridor of Tecumseh Road. The proposal can be considered an infilling, redevelopment of a property with an appropriate residential intensification.

Section Residential

“Uses permitted in the Residential land use designation identified on Schedule D: Land Use include Low, Medium and High Profile dwelling units.”


The four storey, 28 unit residential building is defined as a medium profile residential apartment building. The requested OPA and ZBA that will extend appropriate residential policies and regulations across the property, conforms with the intent of the relevant policies of the Official Plan.