1. The proponent is proposing the development of the site for a medium profile building with four storeys and 28 rental residential apartment units. The OPA will re-designate a portion of the lands presently designated ‘Commercial Corridor’ to ‘Residential’ for continuity of application of residential policy across the property. The entire parcel will be zoned to a site specific ‘Residential District (RD)’ zone.

  2. All three lots previously contained a residence and were used for residential purposes.

  3. The subject site is flat, vacant and prepped for the residential development. The architect has used the positive physical characteristic of the corner lot to separate the proposed building from the existing residential neighbourhood and orient the building towards Tecumseh Rd. frontage.

  4. As outlined above, the proposed development, in my opinion, is consistent with the PPS;

  5. Please refer to the OP section above where the OPA, once adopted, will ensure the proposed development conforms with the relevant ‘Residential’ OP policies;

  6. The proposal conforms with policy direction of the municipality such as the walking, biking, and healthy communities initiatives;

  7. The proposed residential development will be on a site that was previously used for residential purposes. The site is adjacent to an existing residential subdivision, creating a complimentary land use on the vacant lands. Adjacent to the site, are supportive institutional and residential existing within walking distance to support the tenants of the rental apartment building;