The subject property is presently designated ‘Residential’ and ‘Commercial Corridor’ in the Official Plan for the City of Windsor. The following sections review policies as they relate to the request for an OPA and ZBA to support the development of the site for a medium density, 4 storey apartment building with 28 residential units.

“ Section Development Strategies

“Encouraging a range of housing types will ensure that people have an opportunity to live in their neighbourhoods as they pass through the various stages of their lives. Residents will have a voice in how this new housing fits within their neighbourhood. As the city grows, more housing opportunities will mean less sprawl onto agricultural and natural lands.”


The proponent is proposing the development of the residential site for a 4 storey, 28 unit apartment building. This alternative housing is needed within the City of Windsor. The apartment building will provide for rental housing, an alternative to the standard purchase of a single, detached residence. This alternative tenure of housing provides for alternative housing that would support housing for all stages of life.

The proposed multiple dwelling building has been designed with different formats and number of bedrooms (please refer to attached APPENDIX A – SITE PLAN): 1 bedroom = 8 units; 2 bedroom = 16 units; 3 bedroom = 4 units. The multiple bedroom units support the attraction of families to the proposed rental accommodation, in keeping with the tenure and population profile of the residential neighbourhood.

Section Residential

“To support a complementary range of housing forms and tenures in all neighbourhoods.”


The subject site is located adjacent to a low density residential neighbourhood in the Central Windsor area. The medium density, low profile building will be a positive re-development of the residential lots. The location is optimum being adjacent to the existing residential neighbourhood along Campbell Avenue while being adjacent to institutional and commercial uses along Tecumseh Road. The relatively low profile building (see attached draft building elevations APPENDIX D) is a positive addition as an infill development.