November 13, 2020

The City of Windsor
Development & Heritage Standing Committee Meeting
Date: ovember 16, 2020 at 4:30 p.m.

RE: Zoning By-law Amendment Application for l090 North Talbot Rd. and O Pioneer, N/E CNR of North Talbot Rd & Sixth Concession Rd and N/W CNR of Pioneer Ave. & North Talbot Rd

File Number ZNG/6074Z-011/20

Written Submissions of Americo Feandes, home owner at 4345 Pioneer Ave., Windsor, Ontario

My name is Americo Fernandes. I, along with my finance and son, reside at 4345 Pioneer Ave., Windsor, Ontario, which is adjacent to and immediately east of the subject property under consideration. My home is a newly built home, with its construction completed in the beginning of the year.

I purchased our home on April 30, 2020, just over 6 month ago. At the time of purchasing our home. my family and I were excited to move into our brand new home in what we believed to be a beautiful neighborhood. lt was always our understanding that someday behind our home, there may be a single level commercial plaza. In act. the sign posted on the subject land reflects just this. I never imagined, that my investment in my home would soon be devalued by an eyesore of a multi unit, multi level, commercial/residential development, practically in my back yard. Had I known this, I would have never bought my home.

I first became aware of the proposed amendment to the bylaw a few days ago.

It is my opinion that the proposed amendment needs to be denied. My reasons llow.

1. There will be an increase in trafc in an area that is already stressed- The stretch of

N01th Talbot Road where the subject property is located connects Howard Ave. and Walker Road. On the easterly side of forth Talbot, there are several industrial facilities and a Senior's Residence. In the center and westerly portion of this stretch, there are