You can ask this question at the Public Meeting of November 16th and the Engineering staff will answer your question. I can confirm that my report contains comments from the Engineering department and they have no objection. Please wail for a few more days for the report to be made public.

Also, this proposed development, if approved by Council, will go through the site plan approval process, where detailed discussion will take place regarding storm water management and other site development considerations. Note that the Site Plan Control process is not a public process, but it is an appropriate tool for addressing most of the more detailed land use issues arising from a zoning by-law amendment.

8. What is the current setback between the current zoning and the inhabitable housings?

Your question is not clear. Are you referring to the separation already stated in CD1.12? If so, here is my answer:

In the CD1.12 zoning a minimum setback of 6m is required from the northern limit of the parcel adjacent to Lots 194, 195 and 196, Plan 12M-355 (fronting on Sixth Concession Road).

I don’t agree to the separation distance as he could alter his site plan after the fact. We don’t agree and are concerned with the parking set-back reduction request. As shown in the applicant’s drawings, we wish to maintain a 20’ buffer with trees et al...

Thank you in advance for your assistance. Answers to these questions will help me prepare a formal submission to the Development & Heritage Standing Committee.

I respectfully request to be formally notified of council’s decision on this application in accordance with the planning act.


Jeff & Svetlana Nadalin