several points of ingress and egress to the Southrvood Lakes Development Area, the Northwood l-akes l)evelopment Area. Pioneer Ar,e. and several other streets, Several travelers, outside of the ones that live in the area. use North'falbot to drive between Floward Ave. and Walker Road. For those the live in the area, attempting to drive onto North Talbot from one of the connecting roads aiong this stretch is challenging and often times dangerous. Adding a rnulti-unit commercial /residential complex, with and

2. If approved the Amendment would permit the construction of a development that would not conform with the existing development pattern in the neighborhood and create and eyesore - with the exception of the easterly portion of the neighborhood along this stretch of North Talbot Road, the neighborhood is comprised primarily of higher-end detached single family homes (some of which are single level and some of which are two ievels) and some semi-detached homes" the quality and construction of which are also higher-end. Although the easterly portion of the stretch is primarily industrial in nature, it is separated from the rest ofthe neighborhood by and over-pass, that passes over the 401 highway, entirely hiding from the industrial porlion of the neighborhood. The subject land is in the residential portion of the neighborhood. To permit a multi unit, multi level commercial/residential development that could be as high as 16 meters (or about 52 feet) to be placed in an area of prirnarily single family homes, would be inconsistent with the current developrrental pattr-r'rr and create a con-iplete e),esore in the neighborhood. Unlike the easterly portion o1'the ncighborhood. there will be r.rothing to hicle the eyesore this anlendment w'ould allow. 'lhis will certainly devalue the homes already existing in the neighborhood.

3. If approved, the amendment would create several nuisances which will certainly devalue the homes in the neighborhood, and in particular those abutting the subject premises- currently, the owner of the subject property can build a single level commercial development. If the amendment is allowed, they will be able to build a development that is both commercial and multi-residential, including several levels of residential units. This creates several nuisances, in particular to the abuttine neishbors. They include the following:

a. Abutting neighbors will be left n'ith no privacy in their back yards or in the rear of their homes. \\/ith a rrulti-lcrel residential development, residents of the developrnent w'ill easl'be able to look into each of the abutting neighbors' backyards, depriving them of any privacy whatsoever;

b. Noise and Air Pollution will increase- 'uvith the increase in residents and parking spots, this will cerlainly increase the number of vehicles that will be parking at the property. significantly irrcreased the noise and air pollution. To make matters worse. the arnendment proposes relief of the buffer that is currently required between the permitted parking lot and the residential properlies abutting