We’re not sure what it entails? We are requesting uses that do not operate into the late hours i.e. bars, restaurants, etc.

3. The proposed amendment requests an increase in maximum height to 16 meters. What is the maximum height currently permitted by the existing zoning?

Maximum building height in the CD1.12 zone is 7.50m.

We are willing to work with the applicant, however we object to no more than 2-3 stories in maximum height. #4 further supports our reasoning. Nothing anywhere in the vicinity is more than 2 stories, and we are opposed.

4. The proposed amendment requests a decrease in minimum parking spaces required of 108 spaces. What is the minimum number currently needed for the existing zoning?

The applicant required 118parking spaces minimum for the original proposal with ground floor commercial units and 35 residential units above the commercial units. However, that concept has since changed. A revised concept is now being considered, but the applicant has not provided the revised minimum number of required parking spaces.

In my report, I addressed the missing information and I have also recommended against the requested reduction in the required number of parking spaces.

We don’t agree (as do you) to the reduction in parking spaces and are concerned if this is approved, we’ll see an increase in offsite parking on the street. The development parcel shouldn’t exceed it’s ability.

5. Does the current zoning permit residential uses above a commercial use, or does it solely permit commercial services?

The current zoning permits only the neighbourhood commercial uses. That is why the applicant is requesting for the zoning by-law amendment to allow the residential use on the subject land.

In my report, I am recommending that a combined use building and a stand-alone multi-unit residential building be allowed on the property. This gives the proponent the option to remove commercial spaces and limit the development to residential units only, if parking is an issue for them.

We agree with your recommendation of not allowing a parking space reduction. If the height and parking is an issue

6. Does this building fit the criteria of the Sixth Concession Rd., North Talbot Rd. Silverdale Rd., nearby road crossings and interchange?

What criteria are you referring to? Please review my planning analysis when my report is made public.

7. Does the City of Windsor forecast in the current area Drainage System Development plan to build this size and function?