October 13, 2020
Development & Heritage Standing Committee
Item 7.2
Additional Information

Sent: Friday, October 09, 2020 10:02 AM
Cc: Gignac, Jo-Anne (Councillor) <joagignac@citywindsor.ca>
Subject: File Number ZNG/6122 Z-014/20

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Our concern is Sewage and Waste Water

Will this put a further strain on the system and cause more basement flooding and sewage backup for the residences on Isack Dr.

In recent years the :

  1. the water main has been repacled
  2. the storm sewer has been replaced

  3. the road was replaced

BUT the sewer , which is old , was never touched even though it has slow drainage and blockages , to point were the camera was almost unable to get through.

Egon & Christine Peters