October 13, 2020
Development & Heritage Standing Committee
Item 7.4
Additional Information

From: Toni Muzzin Probe < tonimpro@hotmail.com>

Date: October 7, 2020 at 1:03:51 PM EDT

To: " cholt@citywindsor.ca" < cholt@citywindsor.ca>

Subject: Request for amendment to Zoning By-law 8600 @ 1521 Pierre Ave.

Clerks @ City of Windsor

I would like to voice my concern for the proposed 3 level apartment to be built on the N. side of the lot at 1521 Pierre Ave., across the alley from me at 1516 Benjamin Ave.

I don’t understand how an apartment can be put on a small lot like this that would impact the area in a negative way.

Many people who have lived here for a number of years would be subjected with more overcrowding, parking at a minimum, increased noise level etc. And with less control because the owner does not reside on the property. I feel that a request for zoning change be denied.

We have had the joy of a little bit of green space provided to us from the previous owner a positive in this time of climate change.

Also FYI, I received a notice postmarked 09/17/20 with a proposal for zoning change from Baker Investments Unlimited @ 8380-8474 Wyandotte St. E. Should this have been my first notice for Pierre Ave.?

Thank you for giving consideration to this matter.

Regards Toni Muzzin Probe

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