October 13, 2020
Development & Heritage Standing Committee
Item 7.2
Additional Information

October 9, 2020

To Whom It May Concern,

I’m responding to the request for amending by-law 8600 for file number ZNG/6122 Z-014/20. I am not opposed to the amendment, however, I would like to comment about the erection of a 5-story dwelling.

I’m not sure this is the correct forum for this, but I’m going to submit my opinion on a couple of points I hope the builder will take into consideration.

I live across the street from the land. I understand that people in Windsor need housing and if there is a need, then I’m happy to see homes being built.

However, the lot is beautiful in the spring. I’ll be very sad to see the wildflowers disappear. When I look out my window, it brings me peace and a feeling of calm to look out on to the field of wildflowers. I’m a nature lover and it makes me sad to see these areas disappear. I would hope that the builder will be required to plant some trees and bushes.

Currently, I cannot enjoy sitting on my balcony due to the traffic noise. This will only get worse once 63 units are added to the mix. I don’t know how to resolve that problem. A traffic light would only make it worse as cars would be revving their engines, squealing their tires and honking at each other when the car in front of them takes too long to turn, as is the case now with the entrance to the commercial property.

The obsession of people to honk their horns to lock their car doors is a pet peeve of mine. My ultimate wish would be for a by-law to prohibit this unnecessary noise. I always thought horns were a safety feature and now they’ve just become an annoyance. Would there be any chance of making it a rule for this new build to prohibit that action? Generally, on a commercial property this would only occur during the day, which is bad enough, but a residential property would only stimulate more horn honking at all hours of the day and night.

Lastly, the lights in the parking lot at Riverside Plaza were changed a couple years ago and they are so bright that I can read at night with my blinds open. Again, this is unnecessary. I would hope that the lighting at night in the proposed dwelling be kept to a minimum. Night time should be dark.

Again, I’m not opposed to progress, as long as it’s done in a considerate manner. I’d rather not have a residential building replace a beautiful field of wildflowers, but if there’s a need for it, then I support it.

The proposed dwelling will be around for many years. Please do what you can to lessen the negative impact on our environment now as an investment in our future.

If there is another forum for me to express my opinions to the builder, would you please inform me of the process? I’ve never done anything like this before and I don’t know the process. I just want to make my thoughts known so the builder would perhaps consider these points.

Regards, Jackie Moroun