October 13, 2020
Development & Heritage Standing Committee
Item 7.2
Additional Information

From: sarah jarvis

Sent: Wednesday, October 07, 2020 1:15 PM

To: clerks < clerks@citywindsor.ca>

Subject: File # ZNG/6122 Z-014-20 

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To the Development and Heritage Standing Committee re: Zoning By-Law 8600 File # ZNG/6122 Z-014-20

I do not have an objection to this development as we need more affordable housing here in Windsor, however, I do have serious concerns about auto and pedestrian safety at that location.

I moved into the area over a year ago, and in my first three weeks in my north-facing condo overlooking Wyandotte Street just east of Watson, I heard or witnessed three fender-benders.

The street narrows at this point, and then some cars slow down to turn north into the first or second Riverside Plaza driveway. There are always near misses with cars.

- I recommend a traffic calming solution or light at that point, especially if more cars will be turning into and out of the east driveway of the plaza.

Also, there are a surprising number of pedestrians walking on either sidewalk, and it’s very hard to cross the road at that point. Often, I’ll have to walk to the crosswalk at Watson to get to the mailbox or plaza on the north side, as it’s a challenge to cross the street with the traffic.

- Again, I recommend a crosswalk at least at this point.

Even more alarming is the lack of sidewalks along the plaza driveways. When pedestrians turn into the plaza from the street, families with strollers are competing with cars for access down the driveways, through the parking lot to the stores.

- I recommend that the developers install or mark a pedestrian safety zone as access to the plaza.

Thank you for the opportunity to contribute to these plans to change the zoning by-law.

Sarah Jarvis