of 6 parking spaces at the North end of Chandler Road (1800 block) to facilitate fire engines entry to the fire station's West entrance.

The proposed amendment to reduce lot width from 50 ft to 40 ft and provide parking space for one (1) motor vehicle, minimum, (as per parking requirement in by-law 8600), is not in the best interest of the current neighbourhood residents nor would it be beneficial for new residents.

Reasons are as follows:

  1. This is an established neighbourhood. Many of the homes were built 60 years ago with 96% of lots on Chandler Road and 73% of lots on Meldrum Road being 40 ft wide properties.

  2. Existing 40 ft wide lots often make off street parking inadequate because narrow driveways restrict parking to the area between front of the house and street curb. Although space beside a house is paved, it is not wide enough to park a vehicle. Over the years, some residents have widened their driveways by paving a portion of their front lawn. This does not enhance quality of our neighbourhood and increase property values.

  3. Today, many families own more than one vehicle but driveways on Chandler and Meldrum Roads are not long enough and usually not wide enough to accommodate all vehicles for families and visitors. So street parking is often necessary.

  4. Until recently, Chandler Road (1800 block), with 23 homes, had 11 spaces for street parking on school days but permanently lost 6 spaces when "No Parking" signs were posted to allow fire trucks easier access to the fire station's West entrance. Currently, only 5 spaces remain available, all of them at the North end of Chandler Road (1800 block), to accommodate vehicles for 23 residences daily.

  5. Also on Chandler Road (1800 block), 12 parking spaces across from St Teresa of Calcutta Catholic Elementary School, on the West side of the road, are not available on weekdays for residential parking as "No Stopping on School Days" signs are posted. These spaces are only