Whereas paragraph regarding Locational Criteria states “Residential development shall be located where (b) full municipal physical services can be provided.”

Whereas paragraph regarding Evaluation Criteria for a Neighbourhood Development Pattern states “At the time of submission, the proponent shall demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Municipality that a proposed residential development within an area having a Neighbourhood development pattern is:

Under Section 11.6.3 Zoning By-Law Amendment Policies:

Whereas paragraph 11 .6.3.1 states, “All amendments to the Zoning By-law(s) shall conform with this Plan.”

Review of Appendix C: Consultations Table shows the applicant has consulted with the City’s Engineering department and this department requires a sidewalk be located on one side of the new Meighen Road extension but consideration has not been given to the reduction of off-street parking caused by shortened driveways. The Engineering department also requires the applicant to demonstrate that no negative impacts will be realized by the existing surrounding community before the proposed development will be allowed to proceed.

The Consultation Report also details submissions by other community agencies, utilities, transit services and City departments, including the Traffic Department. According to Shari Gabriele of the Traffic Department, no parking is to be allowed on one side of Meighen Road including the cul-de-sac. This restriction further reduces available street parking. Ms Gabriele continues by stating, “As for Chandler and Meldrum, changes were made to those [streets] a couple of years ago for the new school and won’t require any Changes” but she does not include permanent elimination