available to residents on non-school days. This leaves a total of 17 spaces available for 23 residences on non-school days.

We, the undersigned owners of the properties which will be affected by the proposed amendment are against reduction of lot width from 50 ft to 40 ft because:

The applicant has not met all requirements of the official Plan whereby:

Paragraph - The amendment to reduce lot width will not enhance the quality of our neighbourhood because the number of parking spaces will remain inadequate.

Paragraph - The number of vehicles per household has increased since the existing homes were built and the current 40 ft lot width for existing homes with narrow driveways does not permit sufficient off street parking. Replication of old site standards for new lots will not resolve existing parking limitations. Rezoning to increase land use density will only exacerbate the problem. It will not benefit our community even if we wait out the 20 year duration of the Plan.

Paragraph - If existing 40 ft wide lot standards are maintained by approval of the proposed amendment, full municipal physical services will not be provided because adequate parking will not be available for existing or for new residents.