July 13, 2020
Development & Heritage Standing Cmte Mtg
Item 7.1
Additional Information

-----Original Message-----
From: idella lazar
Sent: Friday, July 10, 2020 10:03 AM 
To: Toldo, Beth <toldob@citywindsor.ca>
Subject: 2650 Metcalfe Street

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This is the E Mail from my son re the matter of 2650 Metcalfe and the meeting on Monday, July 13. File ICB Exemption 2020-8

My name is Steven Lazar. I have lived at 2755 Metcalfe Street for 20 years.

I wish to express my feelings about 2650 Metcalfe and the application to permit a Transportation Terminal at this address. I want to strongly object to the possibility of another transportation yard.

I have complained about that yard to the city many times. My property is across the street and the loading dock is directly in front of my house. When my children were trying to sleep at night they had to listen to the clanging of unloading metal racks at the dock. Just the noise of the trucks moving and hooking up to trailers was bad enough.

The only lighting in the yard was from the truck headlights that would literally shine into our rooms.

Often my children had to listen to foul language if the windows were open. There was so much dust and dirt that the wind would carry to my house. At times you could not open the windows upstairs for fresh air because of the noise, dirt, lights and language as mentioned above.

On my street it is total residential. Former owners often worked at night. A transportation terminal does not belong in that area surrounded by residential! It is not fair that we should have to put up with these problems. Please do not approve the application.

Thank you for reading my submission.

Steven Lazar