July 13, 2020
Development & Heritage Standing Cmte Mtg
Item 7.3
Additional Information

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Good Morning

I am sending this email as we are opposing the amendment to the current zoning By-Law relating to the file number in the subject line.

Reasons for the opposition include:

Hours of operation – under the current zoning the medical facility was to operate under day time hours. A restaurant would not operate under the same hours as I am sure it would include evening hours as well.

Due to the extended hours we would be subject to light intrusion, increased traffic at all hours of the day, leading to increased noise and exhaust pollution.

A restaurant would also create odour and the use of dumpsters, leading to and increase in the rodent population and the sound of the dumpsters being emptied at all hours of the night.

This area does not need a new restaurant, the traffic is already horrendous with people speeding through the lights at the corner of Howard/Cabana. Please remember that there is a grade school just down the street. Please help to keep these kids safe as they walk to and from school.

As when the first re-zoning was brought forward, the neighborhood voiced their opinions only not to be heard. Hopefully, our voices will be heard this time round, NO to the amendment.

Thank you

Bill & Stacey Pich

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