July 13, 2020
Development & Heritage Standing Cmte. Mtg.
Item 7.1
Additional Information

From: idella lazar
Sent: Friday, July 10, 2020 10:23 AM
To: Toldo, Beth <toldob@citywindsor.ca>
Subject: 2650 Metcalfe

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Thank you, Beth, for your time and E Mails. My letter is below. When I have done this before, I tried to make sure each councillor would take the time to read this. I am hoping they will, but I suppose in this case it will only be the members of the Standing Committee. I hope they will get our message loud and clear as to our opposition.

My name is Idella Lazar. I am a member of Ford City Neighbourhood Renewal and have lived on Hickory Road for almost 50 years.

I am writing in regard to the application for a site plan approval to permit a Transportation Terminal for 2650 Metcalfe, Ward 5. They wish to exempt the property from Intermin Control By-law 78-2019. I have no means for streaming, so am submitting a written objection.

This application must not be approved in my opinion from my Ford City involvment and from my experience on living in the area.

The yard is in a residential area of Ford City; namely Albert Road, Hickory Road and Metcalfe Road. This property has been a source of complaints for years with several owners. There has been fires, noise all hours of the night, no lighting and dust. I have walked Drouillard Road when a truck was driving up the street from the yard and had to wait until the dust died down. It was terrible! This only adds to the dust and dirt that we get from the scrap yard but at least he washes down the vehicles and tries to control it.

This yard has been a problem for years with the former owners. I have been involved in one way or another with each of them - as an individual, with Marina's help from Drouillard Place, by-law complaints, the Ward Councillor, or more recently Ford City Committees. The residents should not have to put up with this type of operation.

The truck traffic and yard - a transportation terminal - does not fit in with the new branding of a community of small businesses that Ford City, the BIA, and residents have achieved. The location would be better served with needed housing. Please do not let this situation continue again.

Thank you for your time to read my submission.

Idella Lazar