9.3.4 Protection of Heritage Resources   Council will protect heritage resources by:


(a) Requiring that development or infrastructure undertakings on lands containing potential archaeological resources avoid the destruction or alteration of these resources; or where this is not possible, requiring the proponent to conserve significant archaeological resources through documentation and removal or mitigation in advance of land disturbances, in accordance with the Ontario Heritage Act and the policies contained within the Windsor Archaeological Master Plan, its implementation manual and Schedule ‘C-1’: Development Constraint Areas –

9.3.7 Heritage Resources and Planning Initiatives    Council will integrate heritage conservation into the development and infrastructure approval process by:


(a) Requiring the preparation of an archaeological assessment when development proposals or infrastructure undertakings affect known archaeological resources or areas of archaeological potential as designated on Schedule ‘C-1’: Development Constraint Areas – Archaeological Potential and in accordance with the Windsor Archaeological Master Plan and its implementation manual; (amended by OPA 55 – 07/24/2006)

Although not the approval authority, the practice of archaeology is regulated by the Ministry of Heritage, Sports, Tourism and Culture Industries in Ontario (MSTCI). The Ministry updated the Standards and Guidelines for Consulting Archaeologist in 2011 and has also released new criteria for defining archaeological potential.

The select mentioned legislative and policy requirements/changes, and implications on modelling will be addressed through the AMP Review.

Stakeholder & Public Engagement, Implementation & Education

The project is expected to be guided by a Steering Committee which will be composed of representative stakeholders and appointment of a Heritage Committee Member if desired. The Review will include engagement of stakeholders who may contribute information about archaeological resources in the area or may be impacted by the AMP Review, including but not limited to City of Windsor staff who process permits or lead projects that may result in disturbances to archaeological resources, Indigneous Communities, the MHSTCI, archaeological and historical societies and organizations,