to the model would form a major component of this Review and bring more clarity to requests for archaeological assessments.

The scope and nature of this update to the AMP requires the services of a licensed archaeologist. A Request for Proposal has been issued to engage a consultant to conduct the Review to the Archaeological Management Plan as per the Terms of Reference (Appendix A), with a bid close date on June 5, 2020. A briefing will be provided to Heritage Committee to inform of the successful proponent subsequently.


Legislative & Policy Requirements

The Provincial Policy Statement, which is the policy document on matters of provincial interest related to land use planning and development, includes the following policies on archaeology:

2.6.2 Development and site alteration shall not be permitted on lands containing archaeological resources or areas of archaeological potential unless significant archaeological resources have been conserved.

2.6.4 Planning authorities should consider and promote archaeological management plans and cultural plans in conserving cultural heritage and archaeological resources.

2.6.5 Planning authorities shall engage with Indigenous communities and consider their interests when identifying, protecting and managing cultural heritage and archaeological resources.

Section 2.6.5 of the PPS has been updated in 2020 to indicate a heightened engagement with Indigenous communities for archaeology. Given the recent Sandwich Roundabout Project which resulted in unanticipated archaeological processes with no clear direction on Indigenous Engagement, it is the intent that the AMP Review will provide a protocol for Indigenous Engagement and Consultation, and bring clarity to any similar situations in the future.

Official Plan

The City of Windsor’s Official Plan also states the following archaeological policies:

9.3.2 Identification of Heritage Resources  Council will identify Windsor’s heritage resources by:


(a) Maintaining and updating the inventory of registered archaeological sites or lands of archaeological potential, as identified in the Windsor Archaeological Master Plan and Schedule ‘C-1’: Development Constraint Areas – Archaeological Potential; (added by OPA 55 – 07/24/2006)